During a trial for any offense against a person, and most definitely when the charge is of a sexual nature, the testimony from the victim is the strongest factor in conviction. At sentencing, much credence is given to victim impact statements. When an inmate is eligible for parole, statements from the victim can make the difference between parole being granted or not.
But how about when former victims are involved with legislation affecting persons totally unrelated to the harm done to them and with the potential to affect persons far into the future? Sounds ridiculous, doesn’t it? Yet with the victims of sexual crime, it happens. Lauren Book has built a career by being involved with legislation, not only that which is appropriately focused on prevention but also that which targets registered sex offenders even though her abuser was not on the registry. Full Article
NO!!!! The “victim” has wishes based on emotion and I suspect that those pushing these laws would coach the “victim” on what to say. Besides the fact the allowing a “victim” to have a say in legislation is sheer bloody lunacy.
I’m starting to suspect that many “victims” do not consider themselves a “victim” until they are convinced/intimidated/coerced into believing that they are a “victim” by some cop or DA